Why Do I Keep Merging My Websites?

Why Do I Keep Merging My Websites?
Published on: August 23rd, 2024
Last updated: August 29th, 2024

I Can't Make Up My Mind

You know that old saying, “A rolling stone gathers no moss”? Well, I’m pretty sure that saying was made for people like me—except instead of rolling, I’m hurtling down a mountain of code, dodging bugs, and occasionally face-planting into chaos. This is what I have been up to lately.

FartDump and Wisedocks—A Tale of Two Domains

Once upon a time, in a galaxy not so far away, I decided to start building a website. But not just any website—two websites. I christened one with the, uh, unforgettable name of FartDump. Why? Because I could. This digital wonderland became my playground, my blog, and my personal echo chamber. Meanwhile, I had this other domain, Wisedocks, dedicated to hosting quotes because, why not? So, I've decided to combine wisdom and flatulence, together at last.

Things were going well—until they weren’t. As I bounced back and forth between the two sites, tweaking this and updating that, my codebase turned into a tangled mess. I work live—no Git, no version control, no safety net. I see something, I code something, and if it crashes, well, that’s just part of the adventure, right? It’s more exciting that way, like coding with a blindfold on... while riding a unicycle... on a tightrope.

Two Sites Become One... Again

Eventually, I had to face the music. My brilliant plan of running two separate sites wasn’t just messy—it was a disaster in slow motion. After flip-flopping more times than a politician in an election year, I decided to merge everything into Wisedocks. Again. This wasn’t my first rodeo, folks. Some of these blog posts have been relocated more times than a witness in a mob trial.

Why the constant reshuffling? Simple. Just when I think I’ve cracked the code (pun fully intended), as to how I want to layout my sites, I change my mind. I'm always struggling with how to go about it. Should I go niche? Maybe I should split the blog and quotes again? Maybe I should just start a cat video channel? But in the end, the truth is that I spend more time buried in code than actually adding content. The content has almost always been secondary for me. I just enjoy coding. So, everything goes back to one place, and FartDump gets the boot.

Consolidation Of The Domains

At one point, I was juggling five domains. That’s right, five! Managing them all was like herding cats—chaotic, futile, and someone’s bound to get scratched. So, in a fit of sanity, I’ve decided to consolidate. FartDump is officially six feet under, and I’m keeping my focus on Wisedocks and one other site, StellarHistory.com, because it’s actually doing well (and I’m too scared to mess with a good thing).

But wait, there’s more! I also have a personal domain that I use as a glorified grocery list and recipe book. I use it every day, but why keep it separate when I can merge it into Wisedocks? Imagine logging into Wisedocks and being greeted by your shopping list right at the top of your personal page. Need a recipe? Scroll through the recipes on-site (coming soon). Found something you want to try? Boom—add the ingredients to your shopping list (feature added). You can also invite others to join your shopping list, which is especially helpful for everyone in your household. If you're at the store, your wife can simply add something to the shopping list on the fly—hopefully before you leave the store.

Now I can shut down that site, too, and finally get back down to a manageable number of domains.

The Future: Big Plans, Tiny Steps

Right now, registering on Wisedocks doesn’t do much. You get a shiny user profile, but it’s more of a vanity thing than anything functional, aside from the shopping list. But not for long! I’m planning to roll out some epic features for logged-in users—comment on my blog posts (and tell me where I’ve gone wrong), submit your own AI-generated images to the gallery, or even contribute your own blog posts with links to your own sites.

But first I have a ton of bugs to squash in the existing code. That should take a few weeks. But then I can start working on the fun stuff.

It’s going to take some time, but with everything finally in one place, it should be a lot easier to pull off. Maybe I’ll even stick to this plan long enough to see it through!

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